Here Come Da Creeper
Thursday, May 31, 2007
:: August Pascal ::
:: Fuckin Snob ::
:: Tonight Was Fun ::
:: The Girl Who Fell To Earth ::
I can't remember why I bought this, but it was new at the time, and chances are it was because one of the songs is constructed around a sample of the GBV song "Hot Freaks" (and sort of turns into a homage to Bruce Gilbert Wire songs!) Actually, I'll go ahead and credit luna music, I bet they did a soft sell on their GBV page. I used to not be able to resist anything GBV-related.
Anyhow, this is good old lo-fi fun, and doesn't sound anything like what Dreamworks era Creeper Lagoon sounded like. Off the cuff, 4-track style, throw it and see what sticks music suited the Lagoon well. While I identified the GBV sample immediately, the sample used on "Tonight Was Fun" only registered as "old Neil Young song," but a quick listen to Harvest revealed it's the lead off track, "Out On The Weekend."
Oh, and I'll admit I fell for the Pavement-style trickery, and actually first thought this was a split 7" with Dead C on the b-side. Obviously I hadn't heard any Dead C at that point.