Your Tender Lips Have Turned To Icicles

:: Bert Convy - Just Give Me A Chance ::
Scott at the fabulous Crud Crud blog loves his cop bands. Around here, it's beginning to look like we've got a special affinity for game show host rock. If you were a kid in the 70's like I was, you surely know who Bert Convy is. He was just as important as Gene Rayburn, Wink Martindale, or Peter Marshall in the pantheon of that era's game show host heavies. But before keeping me entertained on snow days and sick days with shows like Tattletales and Super Password, Bert did a lot of other things. He played minor league baseball for the Phillies, did some Broadway, and also sang pop songs. His vocal group The Cheers had a top ten hit in 1955 with "Black Denim Trousers (And Motorcycle Boots)". I even remember seeing a movie in the 80's where he played a tennis pro.
This tune is from 1974, and it's pretty damn funny. I don't blame Bert too much, even though he does sound like he's trying a little too hard, because this song was written and produced by the guy who owned the label it came out on. I am guessing that Herb Newman couldn't sing, or else he'd have done that part himself as well. The best part of the song is the very beginning where you hear some jet take-off noise and a rockin' guitar pick-slide that almost fools you into thinking the song is going to rock. It does not rock, it instead romps and prances through the fields of early 70's sunshine pop. The word "groovy" appears, and in a way that suggests that Herb might not have been in touch with how the kids were really talking. Actually, all the lyrics are pretty goddam hilarious.

Bert Convy was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the early 90's, and passed away not long after that. America lost a true pop culture renaissance man and one hell of a game show host. This one's for you, buddy.
What was the b-side?
Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:33:00 PM
His cover of "War Pigs." Actually, I'll have to check on that when I get home and get back to you. It wasn't as special, I'll tell you that much.
Friday, October 21, 2005 1:23:00 PM
OK, turns out the song I posted is the b-side. Had to check the etchings since this was a promo. And the a-side is an introspective piece called "Something To Think About." There, that's more than anyone ever needs to know.
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