Rearing Stallions

:: Wolfwhistles ::
Two European lads hook up with a female Japanese singer in one of the world's most famous metropolises. That's the story of Blonde Redhead. It's also the story of Agaskodo Teliverek, if you swap Hungary for Italy and London for New York City. We very rarely put up any new music here on the Robot, but every once in a while I just gotta spread the love. I have been listening to this band nonstop for a few weeks. Several desperate searches on Hype Machine turned up very little, so hopefully this will help someone else out.
To me this band sometimes sounds like Deerhoof crossed with The Advantage, other times like someone playing Country Teasers at 78rpm. In any case, there's enough frenetic noodling and unintelligible barks to keep me happy for minutes at a time. This here is the b-side of the Gay Hussar 7", which I obtained from ADAAT Records. They also have a Myspace, of course.
This 7' is mindblowing. thanks for the digital version:)
Friday, March 07, 2008 9:04:00 AM
Hell yeah. The A side is one of my favorite songs right now. People should like, buy this.
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