:: Help ::
It was 20 years ago this year, when Markus Pepper...oh, never mind. So this looked promising, based on the homemade looking cover, and the come hither stare of the Sean Astin-channeling-Taco-looking young man plastered on it. Once I heard the first two tracks on this short 4-song EP, I could hardly wait to check out what he did to the Beatles' Help. But I had to wade through one more song, Big Money, which is the only original on here. I was going to include it here, but instead I am going to let you recreate it in your mind. Think of the movie Fletch. Think of the kind of music there was in the movie Fletch. Now pretend there's a montage where someone's making big money. That's exactly what it sounds like, and you didn't even have to waste any precious ear time.
So yeah, Help. The intro is pretty befuddling, and honestly if you don't already know this is a cover of Help, it takes a few seconds to realize that it is. Look, I'm not saying you can't retool a classic song like Help utilizing drum machines, programmed slap bass, and a vocal styling that might make people think you'd lose a slap fight with Rick Astley; I'm just saying you shouldn't, because one day you'll end up being mocked by some smart ass with a computer and some spare time. As unseemly as this version of the song is, the hilariously out of place guitar solo that takes the song to fade out really puts the icing on the cake.
You forgot to mention the whistling on the fade-out!
Sunday, February 17, 2008 3:58:00 PM
Please post Big Money. Yes, I can hear it in my mind, and I know that I need it. I find great comfort in montage music.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 4:13:00 AM
Another thing of beauty is the incredible drum programming. It sounds like he is playing some of the pads live with his fingers. Amazing!
Saturday, September 26, 2009 11:57:00 AM
There's some virtuoso synth-cowbell playing just champing at the bit to be let loose there!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:01:00 AM
Je-sus! Those drums sound like they just can't decide what they should be doing. And how about the singing really sharp on that high C# "please, please help me". Although admittedly, he really does sound like he needs help. At least he picked the right song to get that point across.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:43:00 PM
Kinda Ween-ish at the end there. I like how the beat track is a little messed up. The solo actually ain't that bad. Needs a music video to top that Russian sailor belting out "Let It Be."
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