White Duck, White Dog -- Burl's Done 'Em All

:: Dwelling in Beulah Land ::
:: When the Roll is Called Up Yonder ::
:: Jesus Loves Even Me ::
One of my earliest childhood memories is being sick with the chickenpox, fevered, spotted and lying in bed, and my father bringing home a Burl Ives record for me, The Little White Duck. I remember playing the shit out of that record and just loving the old guy's warm and friendly voice. I've been picking up Burl’s records lately when I see them, and I still find his voice comforting. Why, even his name is comforting. Say it, kids: BURL.
Released in 1963, this record is one of a few recordings that Burl did with Word Records, based in lovely Waco, Texas. It was done in conjunction with World Vision, Inc., the Christian relief organization that aims to feed and clothe impoverished kids around the world through "child sponsorships." That organization was originally begun in the 1950's to aid kids who were orphaned in the Korean War. Anyway, the World Vision Korean Orphan Choir was flown to a Hollywood studio to record some sacred tunes with Burl and this album is the result. It's not the most exciting result, and I can't say that I felt God's love envelope and comfort me while listening, but that’s okay - Burl’s voice did instead. Thank you, BURL.
Thank you, Blogger Jesus, for finally letting me put this up. And thank you, Phil, for putting up an album with a cover that matches our artwork so nicely.
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