His Daddy Called Him A La-Z-Boy

:: Jackson D. Kane - Runaway Child ::
I found this record at Amoeba in Hollywood. Someone at the store wrote something on the sleeve about it being laughably hackneyed and mentioned the fact that Jackson D. Kane had a bit of a Neil Diamond jones. Given the look of the cover, I went ahead and took a chance on it. He definitely does have a thing for ol' Neil, but mostly on the songs written by one James D. Siegling (who wrote 6 of the 10 songs on the album), so I'd say that both these middle initial "D" guys love the D man. There are moments on the album, such as Runaway Child (included here) that are pretty embarrassingly bad, but for the most part it's just dull.
I tried to find some info about Jackson D. Kane, but could only find a guy who was an actor in the '70s who appeared in The Man Who Fell To Earth, and Every Which Way But Loose. Could be the same guy I suppose. The thing that makes me doubt it is this album was recorded in Albuquerque, NM, and even the label (Mother Load Records) was located there. That being said, it's well recorded and well played just like some bigger city productions. I like Jackson's voice too. Kind of a countrified Neil Diamond, or something along the lines of Lee Hazelwood. Kind of comforting, you know? This record came out during the part of the '70s where everything was so mellow. Well, don't worry. Even though Runaway Child is the rockingest song on the album, it does not rock. I'm sleepy now.
I would say there's every chance in the world that a guy who sounds like this was in Every Which Way But Loose...
Monday, January 23, 2006 11:34:00 AM
Yeah, but The Man Who Fell To Earth? It just doesn't add up. Oh, he was also in Convoy.
Monday, May 01, 2006 9:52:00 PM
Jackson D Kane is both the singer on the album and the actor mentioned in films. I knew JD for many years in Albuquerque. We actually learned to fly hang-gliders together near Los Lunas. He played for years in the local clubs in Albuquerque, and had a good following. A great guy with high hopes. Thanks for giving him a spot on your site.
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