Season's Greetings

The Holidays are upon us, faster than Tom Sizemore on an opportunity to make some quick cash for drugs, and we'd like you to know that the Robot is here to help you get in the spirit. Starting tomorrow, we'll have The 12 Days of Robot Christmas. Our friend and holiday music obsessive Mark will be helping out and guest curating a few choice items from his collection. If you don't like the holidays, or holiday music, perhaps you are going to hate our guts for two weeks straight. Just remember that some of us spent hours going through Record Surplus' 33ยข vinyl to make this the worst Christmas ever.
And in somewhat of a Myspace update, it looks like I'll be putting up some songs on there now and again. The one up there now is a doozy. There, now I've finally done something with Myspace that didn't involve peeping 20-year-old girls who pop up in Cool New People.
"peeping 20-year-old girls who pop up in Cool New People."'s an addiction!
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