What Is This Photophone of Which You Speak?

:: Photophone ::
:: Big Jack ::
:: Stay Away From That Man of Mine ::
:: I Never Heard of You ::
:: Made In USA ::
Well I'll be dagged if these here song poems don't (more often than not) predict the future! Photophone? In 1978? Donald Allen Martin was obviously some kind of frickin' genius.

Another fine product of MSR Records (not to be confused with this company) the home of the great Rodd Keith, I had to shell out some fair sized bucks for this "Country Western Album" even though I knew it was recorded some four years after Rodd's untimely demise. MSR means quality, of some sort or another. When they say Country Western, what they mean is a glut of songs about Elvis and other subject matter that lends itself to steel guitars and fiddles. Songs like "Ozark Homespun", Made In U.S.A." and "Stay Away From That Man of Mine". The singers, who go anonymous this time out, are not very country, but who cares? If you want a real country album, look for something by Garth Brooks, or something.
If you want song poems being pawned off as country songs, you've come to the right place. Made right here in the good old U.S.A.
More song-poems! Thanks!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:01:00 AM
Stop frightening me, Rosemary!
Friday, October 20, 2006 12:05:00 PM
Big Jack may be a whopping six feet tall, but he's surely no match for 10 tons of steel! I like the poet's choice of "mashed" to describe how Jack met his fate.
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