The Softer Side Of The Satan Lovers

:: Lord, Have Mercy (Kyrie) ::
:: Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus) ::
:: Lamb Of God (Agnus Dei) ::
:: They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love ::
Hymns done in a Bossa Nova style. By South Side Chicago gang members, and the pastors who love them. There's not a whole lot I can say; the interpretations of three classic hymns on side A sound a hell of a lot like each other, and the song on side B is a pretty tasty little arrangement for Jesus music. And I'd be really surprised if WFMU does not own a copy of this. The back cover explains all you need to know, and yes, the Satan Lovers were an actual south side gang, not some fictional group created to make the record's concept seem more dramatic.

I was Catholic for a year. Well, my mom was going to convert to Catholicism, and part of this process was having me attend a Catholic grade school. It was my fourth grade year, and to really immerse myself in the ways of the Catholics, I became an altar boy. That was actually kind of cool, or at least it was more fun to be involved in the ceremony than just out there in the pews watching it. I got to wear flowing clothes, and it was at the Cathedral of the Epiphany that I poured my first alcoholic drink. I can happily report that I never experienced or saw any of those nasty things that you hear happen between little boys and priests. However, one time, during some special and fancy and extra holy ceremony, myself and a fellow altar boy were seated next to a visiting Bishop, already nervous and watching our every move as not to disappoint his holiness, when the old bastard ripped a fart. One I swear that only the three of us on that padded bench could hear. How I did not rupture an internal organ holding back my laughter is beyond me. Perhaps it was a miracle.
OOOOOH!!!!! This sounds like ~fun~!! Can't wait to hear them. Me go download now.
..... bbb
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:46:00 PM
The arrangement on Side B of "They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love" is indeed good. I was plesantly surprised. I've got that one on my iPod now. I enjoyed your flatulating Bishop story.
Tom Buckley
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:16:00 AM
Wow. That's my dad. He put out an album, too. If anyone ever wondered who wrote "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love," here's a recent audio interview my sister did with him, posted at my blog
--Peter S. Scholtes
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:19:00 AM
I wondered how long it would take you to find this -- in my research, I saw that the good pastor had a son who did some writing/blogging. Thanks for passing that along, and tell your pops thank you for making some listenable religious music. Cheers.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:28:00 AM
Hey, I just noticed that link went to the Twin Cities City Pages. It was at Cheapo in uptown Minneapolis that I found this 45, when I was on vacation a few weeks back.
Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:14:00 AM
lol i loved your story u had me laughing and its beyond me how u controlled that laughter.
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