I've Come All The Way from Girlandboyland

:: Twinkle Chorus And Orchestra - The Chocolate Train Song ::
Ok, I'll admit it. The first time I heard this, I had had a bit to drink, smoked a little somethin', and ok yeah, there was the nitrous oxide, but damn if this wasn't the funniest record I'd ever heard.
Some children's records are great because if you didn't know they were meant for kids, they would simply be insane. This one particularly kills me because of it's got that whole '50s innocence thing and countless unintentional sexual innuendo. Plus at just under 2 minutes, it's a mini-opera. There's a lotta shit going on in very little time.
I stumbled upon this record when my Sister In-Law asked me to burn it to CD so she could play it for her infant son. She couldn't understand why I thought it was so twisted. The Chocolate Train Song ain't the only song on the album that's kinda weird, either. Great titles like Squeegie The Happy Clown and Where Do Ya Worka John prove to be nearly equally fucked up.

When I had this album up on Soulseek, I noticed someone was downloading it one night. The guy's slsk name was stonerrock or something like that and when I browsed his files, everything he had was drug oriented. I wondered what he thought of Puff and Toot when he heard it. I'd like to think it was right up his alley, but he probably said, "fucking kid's music" and deleted it. Stoners are like that.
i thought it was fucking kid's music.
regards, stonerrock
Thursday, October 13, 2005 1:01:00 AM
Fun Stuff, this album must be cobbled from other kids records (maybe 78's from the early 50s??) because theres no mention of Mighty Mouse anywhere on the cover...
BTW look for a Twinkle "Songs from Mother Goose" LP and the track "Funny Little Bunnies"...where a very chipper female singer sings "Everyone is Gay" LOL
Sunday, April 22, 2007 8:50:00 PM
I Googled the song so my four-year old could enjoy the way I did when I was his age circa 1971. Does your sister-in-law still have it? After several years of drug use - having given it up due to rehab - it'll be interesting to hear what you here.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:52:00 AM
Do you still have this record? I would love to 1) download it or 2) buy it.
Email me at nem07000@gmail.com. Thanks.
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