Welcome To Like, Yulesville, Dad

[Links to mp3's (although they were long dead) removed so that Blogger won't be hassled by Big Brother anymore]
Here's something a bit different. Think of it as a stocking stuffer, rather than a big box present.
I found this record in a .50 pile, and have since seen it for sale in the $20.00 range. While it's not worth $20.00, I find that as the years pass, it becomes more and more interesting as an '80s time capsule kinda thing. It's funny how major labels find such creative ways to spend money on promotional items that maybe could have gone into the artists pockets instead. This thing looks great. Clear, green vinyl, Christmas bulb label and vintage artwork. And you couldn't ask for a much better or more eclectic selection of artists. Well maybe you could, but hey, this was 1987. Unfortunately no Replacements, or Echo & The Bunnymen, but there's an exclusive Ramones track, and plenty of holiday wishes (with the obligatory "don't drink and drive" PSA thrown in) from the likes of The Bee Gees and George Harrison. Not everybody on this thing is dead yet, either. At least I think Edd "Kookie" Byrnes and the members of The New Monkees are still with us. So go ahead, make use of these little holiday clips, and as Madonna says, "DON'T DRIVE DRUNK!".
You don't happen to have the FULL version of the record, do you?
I am looking for the Book Of Love track...full tracklist is here:
DJ Hojo
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 6:19:00 PM
Seems strange to have the Edd Kookie Burns track from the last 50s/early 60s along with Madonna and the Ramones. Maybe not strange to someone my age but how many other readers remember Edd Kookie Burns?
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 7:06:00 PM
Thanks for posting part of the Yulesville WB Promo disc. I've actually owned this for years but I'm far too lazy to digitize it myself. Thanks for saving me the trouble.
Friday, March 30, 2007 6:23:00 PM
Wow -- I've wanted this for years, and now it's here, but the links to download are no longer valid. Any hope of re-posting these tracks? Sorry I'm so slow to find this...
Sunday, April 01, 2007 4:22:00 PM
Write to me at mike@recordrobot.com, and I'll try to hook you up.
Thursday, November 22, 2007 9:10:00 PM
I have this and love it. you didn't mention that the LP itself looks like an ornament, a large red transparent ornament, which is kinda cool. Makes me think of 78s. I've digitized the whole thing and found your post while seeking a track list online (because the actual LP is in storage with my other LPs but I have it on a CD here), so I'm very glad someone else posted a link to the track list. :) Thanks for putting this up!
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