Moldy Gold
Friday, March 28, 2008
:: Galveston ::
:: Wichita Lineman ::
:: By The Time I Get To Phoenix ::
I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was when just after having seen Mike complete an impressive run of nine Wichita Lineman covers, I stumbled across another. OK, it wasn't that exciting, but my eyes did light up a little, and I immediately turned to my friend and stuck it in his face. He's a veteran of record stores, and the first thing he noticed was that it was on Marble Arch, so he told me that the vinyl was going to be flimsy. And it is. In fact, the surface noise on this record sounds like sizzling bacon, and I haven't had breakfast. Shit.
I knew immediately this one was one of those godawful budget records, haphazardly thrown together every step of the way. But I love Glen Campbell, and I love bad covers: $2 well spent. When I looked up the Nashville Country Singers, I found a hilarious recounting (with a few song samples) of another piece of their putrid output. Check it out.
The man they chose to sing on this is an odd choice to tackle the songs of Glen Campbell. He kind of reminds me of a flat version of Jack Sheldon or Burl Ives. Even though I have no idea of his age, he sounds like someone's grandfather. And these aren't really grandfatherly tunes, y'know? Yeah, I have to mention the lady on the cover. My guess is that that look on her face is the result of being absolutely stunned by all the Aqua Net they put in her hair.