Something In The Air
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
:: Something In The Air ::
Yeah, ok, this cover shot makes it obvious to anyone why I bought this album, but when I came across it, it had even more significance to me than you might think. See, I work with a guy named Mike Cavanaugh who, legend has it, moved to L.A. from Baltimore in the late 80s along with his hair metal bandmates to make it in the music biz. Now, Mike's kind a what you might call a "macho" kinda guy, but from what I understand, his stage outfit consisted of a pink jumpsuit. You can bet your bottom dollar I immediately scanned this cover and sent it out to everyone at work. Bwahahahaha!
Page Cavanaugh is no slouch and (as far as I can tell) is still gigging around L.A. at the age of 86. Want to know more? Go here.
I can't find any info on this particular pink jumpsuit wearing Michael Cavanaugh (the liner notes point out that he and Page are "non-related"), but during his time with Page, they sang in perfect... unison.