The Replacements Sell Out

:: The Replacements - Lookin' For Ya ::

On our long, glorious road trip to SxSW this past week, we managed to stop at a few record stores. Hell, Phil even sniffed out some boxes of records for sale in a parking lot at some day show up on Congress - from 30 yards away! The first place we stopped was PDQ, or Judy's as the sign read, a store in Tucson which had been heralded as a mecca. Well, they certainly did have tons and tons of records, but the catch was that everything was selling for much higher than we've ever seen records go for. As in dinged-up Laura Branigan records going for $6. I decided I wasn't going to give in to the gouging, and secretly hoped I'd find some treasure they'd forgotten to mark up. I guess this is as close as I got - a Mats track I'd never heard, or heard of, on a goofy Minnesota radio station's "battle of the local bands" compilation from 1982.

According the internets, this song was recorded specifically for this contest, which was sponsored by Miller High Life, the champagne of beers. Gleefully I report the contest was called "Rock To Riches," and in sweet sabotage, Westerberg shouts "Keep your riches, gimme a Budweiser!" at the end of this track. Like this band needed to held in any higher regard in my eyes?

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Friday, March 24, 2006 8:03:00 AM

Damn, dude...this is the kind of stuff I dream about finding when I look for music online. I really can't thank you enough.

And for those who don't know, Twintone records has posted a video of a 'Mats performance from around the same time period as this track (1981, actually).

Here's the link:

Thanks again.    

Friday, March 24, 2006 6:30:00 PM

Wow, what a find!

Thanks for posting!    

Monday, March 27, 2006 9:08:00 PM

nice track. this song borrows a LOT (musically, not the lyrics) from one of their other songs: lovelines.



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