Enjoy The Beautiful Music

:: Harry Pussy – Fuckology ::
I’d like to go back in time and pat my younger self on the back for picking up this album. I didn’t know who Harry Pussy was at the time, but I laughed out loud when I read the quote on the cover (A: In an emergency you can shit on a Puerto Rican whore), and promptly bought it. I took it home and I didn’t make it through the first side, immediately taking it off the turntable and relegating it to the section on the record shelf of stuff I need not hear again.
Times change, minds expand, and 12 years later I think this album is beautiful in its basement recorded, noise-core fucked up glory. Husband/wife team Adris Hoyos and Bill Orcutt provided this special brand of audio terrorism between 1992 and 1998, this cut coming from their first LP in 1993 on Philly’s Siltbreeze label. This is probably the only album I need by them, but man I would’ve loved to have been assaulted by this sound at a live show.
harry pussy was pretty great. I have this record and it's unlistenable shit. they did put out some great stuff...check out their, um, best of CD. has a photo of yoko ono on it.
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