Haunted House Party

:: Satan's Pilgirms - Wailer's House Party ::
:: The Del Lagunas - Haunted Castle ::
I've had this sitting around for months, saving it for Halloween, and so what did I almost do? I came very close to putting up French pop today. Good thing my brain is clutch.
So these are modern surf bands doing some old surf/garage songs. Satan's Pilgrims hail from the Portland area, I think, and the one time I saw them live was kickass. I had the bright idea of getting a t-shirt made that said "Stan's Pilgrims" to wear to the show to see if anyone would notice. But instead of doing that, my friends and I drank ourselves silly, one of my friends spending the whole show hanging over the Spaceland pee-trough. This was back when Spaceland still had a pee-trough, and didn't have a smoquarium. Anyway, go see Satan's Pilgrims play if they are still together. Here they cover garage legends, The Wailers. Tremble before their organ!
The Del Lagunas are the surf alias of Gas Huffer, or are the number one surf band in Greenland, or both. I think this is the only song I've heard by them, and it sounds better to me than Gas Huffer. They twang the shit out of this old Kingsmen tune. To my surprise, it looks like you can still order new copies of this, even though it's 10 years old. So I won't be keeping these files up long, and if you like this, go freakin' buy it. Happy Halloween, kids. Go dance!
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